Incense is the reason for BAD AIR in Thailand, says minister

#Thailand’s deputy public health minister has suggested a way to alleviate the devastating haze blanketing the south of Thailand.

Use shorter or smaller incense sticks.

The advice came from Dr Satit Pitutacha whose directive was explained to Siam Rath by Dr Phanphimon Wipulakorn.

Choking PM 2.5 particles could be lessened if people of Chinese descent would use smaller or shorter incense during rituals, prayers and blessings at homes and shrines to mark the Vegetarian Festival.

She said that Dr Satit had also urged shrines to quickly extinguish incense after prayers and make sure that areas where they are lit are kept clean and tidy.

Also, poorly ventilated areas should not be used to light incense as this can cause health problems like respiratory illness. – Siam Rath

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