Warning signs as Thai farmers now keep the rice for their families

Farmers are struggling

Thai Rath reported that the price of sticky rice to consumers in #Thailand has almost doubled year on year.

There are dire shortages of the Thai staple as farmers hold onto supplies for their own use rather than sell it to mills and agents.

This has been caused by 600,000 rai of land being unsuitable for sticky rice cultivation due to the drought crisis hitting Thailand.

Domestic trade representatives have warned people not to engage in profiteering.

In a widely shared article across Thai social media Thai Rath said that the price of sticky rice had increased from over 19,000 baht a ton in 2018 to around 38,000 baht a ton this August – a 98% rise.

Sticky rice is a staple in Thailand particularly in the north east and north. But it is also popular as a compliment to many dishes in Bangkok. – Thai Rath

Thai rice prices JUMP as drought triggers supply concerns

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