Elephant farm operators say foreign media sabotaging Thai Tourism

Elephant farm operators across the country have held a conference to defend themselves against accusations made by foreign media affecting their business.

They are set to file legal charges to protect themselves and the elephants.

Elephant farm operators from many provinces in Thailand have held a press conference regarding an article, recently published by the New Zealand Herald, alleging cruel treatment of elephants in the Thai elephant tourism sector, showing pictures of scars from physical abuse on the elephant’s forehead.

The operators said the published article has resulted in negative effects and widespread criticism, leading to the press conference held to elaborate on facts about elephant farms and elephant tourism in Thailand.

It was stressed that the business should not be distorted by foreign media who wish to sabotage the Thai tourism industry through their lack of understanding of elephant farms and mahout practices in Thailand. – Phuket News

Video: Cruel Thailand zookeepers ‘stab elephants with spikes’

Thai tourism industry and how the Thais are ruining it

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