Survey shows widespread support for casinos in Thailand

A large proportion of Thais welcome legal casino gambling, as calls intensify for legalisation.

Thailand’s Casino Committee says there is overwhelming public support after a survey found 81% were in favour of casinos.

The Thai National Assembly committee looking at legalising gambling recently proposed establishing five casinos, with revenues taxed at 30%.

It proposed casinos in Bangkok and in the north, northeastern, central, and southern regions.

Options includes Chiang Rai or Chiang Mai,Phuket, Pattaya City and Krabi

“The move aims to increase state income from casino tax and combat illegal casinos and gambling houses,” Phichet Cheumuangphan, VP of the committee said.

“Only persons over 20 years old will be allowed to enter and they have to present their financial status before playing,” he said.

The committee has been studying casino operations in Singapore and Malaysia.

“The establishment of legal casinos will come under an amendment of the Gambling Act to allow the establishment of state-run casinos.”

The committee will present a draft proposal to the House of Representatives,” Phichet added.