Why sleeping with a fan on is bad for you

If you're planning on keeping a fan on tonight, think twice (Image: Getty Images)

Most people across Asia tend to switch on their fans as they sleep, but those who cannot help but to interfere in other people’s lives have a warning for us.

According to some self-claimed ‘experts,’ keeping a fan on overnight may have a several cons that you may want to be aware of to protect your health.

Sleeping with a fan may in fact end up circulating not just air but also pollen and dust too, which isn’t ideal for those suffering from allergies or asthma, Sleep Advisor reports.

“Take a close look at your fan,” The Sleep Advisor suggests. “If it’s been collecting dust on the blades, those particles are flying through the air every time you turn it on.”

Your skin may also suffer from the fan being on all night as it can dry it out. That while a fan also has the potential to dry up your nasal passages, resulting in your body producing excess mucous and you waking feeling all blocked up.

Sleep Advisor also warned the cool air could result in you waking up in the morning feeling stiff.

“This is because the concentrated cool air can make muscles tense up and cramp,” the experts explain, with them adding this happens most often to those who sleep with the fan right next to their neck and face.

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