Bangkok hotels PRICE CRASH for monthly stays

The Eastin Hotel Makkasan Bangkok announced that you can rent a room in their four star establishment for as little as 7,425 baht a month.

The hotel said in English that: “We are here to help. Make us your home”. They continued in Thai to ask ‘why bother with a flat or condo when you can stay at a great hotel with all its convenience and safety, long term.’

In addition to their being no deposit the fee includes water, electricity and internet fees.

Book now until the end of the year, they urged.

Daily News reported that in order to stay in a 30 SqM deluxe room for this price you would have to pay for six months in advance, 44,550 baht at an average of 7,425 baht per month.

A larger, 70 SqM Executive Suite, will cost 67,050 baht – or 11,175 baht per month. – Daily News