RSS Singapore Breaking News

  • 从 4 月 15 日起,已接种疫苗的新加坡居民、长期通行证持有者在陆路检查站不需要 SG 入境卡 April 13, 2022
    新加坡:从周五(4 月 15 日)开始,已完全接种 COVID-19 疫苗的新加坡公民、永久居民和长期准证持有者将不再需要 SG 入境卡通过其陆路检查站进入新加坡。 在线提交的 SG 入境卡包含旅行者的健康声明。 所有通过空中或海上进入新加坡的旅客仍​​需通过新加坡入境卡提交健康声明。 移民与关卡局(ICA)在周三的媒体发布会上表示,在陆路关卡豁免这群旅客的新加坡入境卡要求的举措是为了为完全接种疫苗的新加坡居民和长期通行证持有人提供更大的便利。 ,给定流量。 ICA指出,每天都有人在与马来西亚边境通勤工作和学习。 移民和关卡局(ICA)在新闻稿中表示,要获得豁免资格,旅客在过去 7 天内不得去过任何限制类别的国家或地区。它指出,目前此类别下没有国家或地区。 那些在新加坡接种过疫苗的人必须在 TraceTogether 或 HealthHub 移动应用程序中反映他们的疫苗接种状态。 未在新加坡接种疫苗的人士必须在首次入境时向卫生部 (MOH) 系统提交疫苗接种记录。 在抵达前,他们可以通过 ICA 的疫苗接种检查门户提交他们的数字海外疫苗接种证书。如果他们不能这样做,或者如果他们有非数字的海外疫苗接种证书,他们必须在抵达新加坡时将其出示给人工移民柜台的 ICA 官员。 ICA说,那些在海外接种疫苗的人只需要经历一次程序,就可以将他们的疫苗接种记录输入到卫生部的系统中。 长周末的交通状况ICA还建议计划在耶稣受难日周末使用陆路检查站的旅客考虑额外的出入境时间,并在旅行前检查交通状况。 他们可以通过陆路交通管理局 (LTA) 的 OneMotoring 网站这样做。 他们还应提前计划并避开高峰时段,具体如下: 离开新加坡 进入新加坡 4 月 14 日下午 4 点至 4 月 15 日凌晨 2 点 4 月 […]
  • From April 15, Vaccinated Singapore Residents, Long-Term Pass Holders Do Not Need Sg Arrival Cards At Land Checkpoints April 13, 2022
    SINGAPORE: From Friday (April 15), Singapore citizens, permanent residents and long-term pass holders who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will no longer need an SG Arrival Card to enter Singapore through their land checkpoints. The SG Arrival Card submitted online contains the traveller’s health declaration. All travellers entering Singapore by air or sea are […]
  • ​Healthy Ramadan Fasting April 12, 2022
    Get ramadan fasting tips from the D​ietetics​ Department at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) for a healthier fasting month. Alvin Chumari | Ramadan fasting Fasting during Ramadan carries a high risk of dehydration as food and drink are limited to before sunrise and after sunset. Furthermore, as fasting individuals are encouraged to wake up very […]
  • ​​Tips to Beat Stress at Work April 12, 2022
    Getting enough rest is one way to beat stress at work. The Department of Internal Medicine at Singapore General Hospital shares some tips. ​Cheong Yaun Marn | 8 ways you can beat stress at work Your computer hangs for the umpteenth time today, your boss tells you that you had better shape up or […]
  • Helping Patients Live And Sleep Better April 12, 2022
    By Thava Rani 8 Mar 2022 | Singapore Health From treating tonsillitis to sleep disorders, it’s all in a day’s work for Dr John Loh. One of the most basic surgical skills that ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists are trained to perform is a tonsillectomy, or the removal of the tonsils. At Changi General Hospital (CGH), […]
  • SMRT Reports Man Who Appears To Be Vaping On MRT To Police April 12, 2022
    SINGAPORE: Transport operator SMRT said on Tuesday (April 12) that it had lodged a police report after seeing a man without a mask smoking a cigarette on a train. A video of the incident, posted on an Instagram account on April 8, shows the man’s mask being pulled to his chin. He appears to be […]
  • SMRT向警方报告在地铁上似乎在吸电子烟的男子 April 12, 2022
    新加坡:交通运营商 SMRT 周二(4 月 12 日)表示,在看到一名不戴面具的男子在火车上吸烟后,已向警方报案。 该事件的视频于 4 月 8 日在 Instagram 帐户上发布,显示该男子的面具被拉到下巴。他似乎在使用手机时抽着电子烟。 SMRT 首席通讯官 Margaret Teo 在回应 CNA 的询问时说:“我们已收到社交媒体上一段未注明日期的视频,该视频显示一名未戴口罩的男子在火车上抽电子烟。我们已向警方报案。” 她补充说:“SMRT 会认真看待这种影响他人安全的行为。” “我们强烈鼓励我们的通勤者始终戴上口罩,以遵守安全通勤准则,并在遇到此类事件时立即向我们的工作人员报告。” 在新加坡,在公共交通工具上吸烟是违法的,如果被抓到,违法者将被处以 200 新元的罚款,如果在法庭上被定罪,最高可处以 1,000 新元的罚款。 此外,根据《烟草法》,新加坡禁止电子烟。违者购买、使用或拥有一台,最高可被罚款 2,000 新元。
  • 将建立新的拉布拉多自然公园网络,增加更多公园和 30 公里的自然小径、公园连接器 April 12, 2022
    新加坡:国家发展部长德斯蒙德·李周二(4 月 12 日)宣布,将建立一个拥有超过 200 公顷绿地的新拉布拉多自然公园网络,为新加坡的自然小径和公园连接线增加 30 公里。 他指出,这几乎是武吉知马自然保护区面积的 1.5 倍。 李先生说,新的自然公园网络将包括拉布拉多自然保护区等核心栖息地、南部山脊沿线的成熟次生林,以及拉布拉多自然公园、Berlayer Creek 和 Pasir Panjang 公园等周边绿地。 他补充说,吉宝俱乐部网站上预留的绿地也将成为网络的一部分。 周二,李先生宣布将在那里建造约 6,000 个建屋发展局 (HDB) 单位,第一个按订单建造的项目预计将在三年内推出。 李先生说,该部的生态分析工作表明,吉宝俱乐部遗址是南脊沿线成熟次生林和拉布拉多自然保护区之间的“重要生态联系”。 他补充说,在吉宝俱乐部场地内,将留出约 10 公顷的绿地作为公园和空地,占该面积的 20%,即 18 个足球场。 “这些绿色空间将在整个庄园形成四个绿色手指,既可以作为栖息地,也可以作为动植物与周围自然区域的连接通道,也可以作为居民的休闲空间。” 李先生说,生态分析工作还揭示了南脊和拉布拉多自然保护区之间的“重要生态联系”,通过吉宝俱乐部穿过亚历山德拉的部分地区,以及 Berlayer Creek 的森林地区。 他补充说,这些走廊将通过网络得到加强,引入几个超过 25 公顷的新绿地。 其中包括亚历山德拉溪沿岸的一个新自然公园、巴西班让公园的新扩建部分、Berlayer Creek 的一个新自然公园,以及位于吉宝俱乐部场地预留空间之上的国王码头的一个新公园,李先生说. “我们还将恢复和加强拉布拉多自然保护区的现有栖息地,包括沿海山丘和沿海海滩森林,”他补充说。 李先生说,新的自然公园网络将增加近 30 公里的新自然小径、公园连接器和自然通道。 他补充说:“这将为新加坡人在该地区探索提供总共 40 公里的此类空间。” 他补充说,MND 委托进行了一项占地约 77.8 公顷的环境影响研究,以确保开发计划“对周围的陆地和沿海环境敏感”。 研究发现,该遗址包含 390 多种植物物种和 […]
  • New Labrador Nature Park Network To Be Established, Adding More Parks And 30 Km Of Nature Trails, Park Connectors April 12, 2022
    SINGAPORE: National Development Minister Desmond Lee announced on Tuesday (April 12) that a network of new Labrador Nature Parks with more than 200 hectares of green space will be established, adding 30 kilometres to Singapore’s nature trails and park links . He pointed out that this is almost 1.5 times the size of the Bukit […]
  • 政府将在全球物价上涨的情况下提出预算措施以帮助家庭:劳伦斯·黄 April 4, 2022
    新加坡:财政部长劳伦斯·黄周一(4 月 4 日)表示,政府将提出预算措施,以帮助新加坡家庭在全球物价上涨的情况下。 黄先生在议会就通货膨胀和商业成本发表部长级声明时表示,由于这些压力,他将在可能的情况下推进预算措施的实施。 黄先生说,每个新加坡家庭的 100 新元 CDC 优惠券将于下个月中旬发放。这是在去年 12 月支付的 100 新元的基础上,将帮助人们支付日常开支。 黄先生宣布,本月还将向符合条件的家庭发放第一笔服务和管理费(S&CC)回扣和 U-Save 回扣。 其余的 U-Save 和 S&CC 回扣将在接下来的几个季度支付——今年 7 月和 10 月,以及明年 1 月。 黄先生指出,目前还有其他形式的家庭帮助,包括为每个新加坡儿童的儿童发展账户、教育储蓄账户或中学后教育账户充值,以及以现金和 GST 代金券形式获得保健储蓄充值。 他说,政府将继续确保“及时”将这些款项发放给新加坡人。 黄先生说,帮助也将扩大到企业。 他宣布将提前发放小企业复苏补助金,大多数符合条件的企业将能够在 6 月之前收到补助金。 该赠款为过去一年受 COVID-19 限制影响最严重的中小型企业 (SME) 提供高达 10,000 新元的资金。 为低收入家庭提供帮助黄先生表示,还将为在价格上涨期间受到更大影响的低收入家庭提供更多帮助。 他说,社会服务办公室 (SSO) 将为在本月至今年 9 月之间申请的所有新 ComCare 中短期援助 (SMTA) 客户提供至少六个月的支持。 黄先生补充说:“已经加入 ComCare […]

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Thailand bracing for the HEATWAVE

The Thai Meteorological Department (TMD) yesterday urged citizens to beware of the heat, especially vulnerable groups, as the weather is expected to remain hot...

Thailand wisely ignoring the ‘Eco-Agenda’

During the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, the Thai delegation announced ambitious plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions...

Thailand establishes work-from-home culture in law

Thailand has become the latest country to enshrine rights for digital nomads, offering protection to a growing number of people who are keen to...

Foreigners ‘must follow Thailand’s visa rules’

THE ROYAL THAI POLICE have instructed all relevant authorities, including the Immigration Bureau (IB) and Tourist Police, to ensure all foreign residents do not...

Thai SEC wants to lift restrictions on crypto currencies

Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is preparing to soften retail investment restrictions related to initial coin offerings (ICO) to boost digital investments. The Thai...

Thailand expects 17-20 million travelers during Songkran Festival

The Thai government will fully support this year's Songkran Festival, which takes place from April 13-15, with 17 – 20 million people expected to...

Russians top list of foreign criminals in Thailand

More than 180 foreigners have faced criminal charges in Phuket since the start of the year, with the top three offenders being nationals from...


Generation Y. Thailand’s sexual revolution

Generation Y. #Thailand's sexual revolution. A study that focuses on the “Generation Y” population. Compiled by Mahidol University and Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) reports...

Generation Clueless are no use to anybody

Snowflakes are freezing a generation out of work with lazy attitudes — and they have missed the basic truth that ‘life is tough’ IF you...

Men should be masturbating more to reduce the risk of cancer

Men should be masturbating more if they want to reduce their risk of developing cancer, according to the NHS. New research published on the NHS...



The truth about Thai bar girls – Part two

The truth about Thai bar girls. Translated from Thai language, these forms are available in Pattaya to ALL newbies from Isaan and they get...

Murdered Brit was awaiting trial on serious fraud charges

PATTAYA -- Police have sought help from the public for information that could lead to the arrest of a gunman and his getaway motorcyclist...

Unsafe food in Vietnam causing ‘long, slow death’

A top lawmaker claims unhygienic food is the cause of 60-70 percent of diseases. Most people in Vietnam do not trust local food quality controls...

Vietnam’s 100,000 sex workers

#Vietnam has more than 100,000 #sexworkers, many of whom have to work more than 12 hours a day, the Vietnamese chapter of the International...

Is Kuala Lumpur the Sex Capital of Asia? Good Question

Is #KualaLumpur becoming the #Sex Capital of #Asia? It's a good question When people think of the sex industry, #Thailand and the #Philippines will most...

The Truth about Prostitutes in Vietnam

#Prostitution is illegal in most of Southeast Asia, but there's a big ol' set of quotation marks around the word. #Thailand and #Vietnam are...

British businessman Tony Kenway shot in Thailand ‘ran Wolf of Wall Street-style scam’ that...

A BRIT businessman executed in broad daylight in Thailand was the kingpin of a sprawling ‘Wolf of Wall Street’-style call centre scam that tricked...

Breaking News – Manhunt as police name suspects in Kenway assassination

Chon Buri police are launching a manhunt for a Briton and a South African who are suspected of some involvement in the murder of...

Gangland shooting in Pattaya, 39-year-old British man shot dead

Pattaya police are investigating the death of thirty-nine year old Mr Tony Kenway, a British citizen, who was shot dead in his car at Mabprachan...

Suspected assassin on the run, appears to have forgotten his Facebook page

Suspected assassin Abel Bonito Caldeira has paid the price for making the mistake of using his real ID in order to rent the motorcycle allegedly...

The ‘beg-packing’ epidemic in SE Asia

The 'beg-packing' epidemic in SE Asia. Locals have been shocked to see white tourists begging in the streets of Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand and...


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